You can easily access the ECO River Camp if you are traveling by car or train. Below, you will find a very detailed directions, that you will easily arrive to your holiday destination 🙂
By train:
If you are traveling by train, please follow the link to motorail website to check the timetable. As an arrival station, select “Globoko”: For additional instructions or guidance you can call us at +386 40 943 046.
By car (direction from Austria, Kranjska Gora, Jesenice, Bled, Bohinj to Ljubljana)
-Take the highway A2 (Jesenice – Ljubljana) and leave the highway at the exit Radovljica, at the crossover take a right turn and continue straight for cca 2 kilometers until another crossover and take a right turn at the semaphore (direction: Mošnje, Grad Podvin). Continue strictly straight through the village Mošnje and after leaving the village you will go underneath the highway and you should continue straight for about 500 meters. Soon you will start descending through the woods and reach the village Globoko, pass the farm on the right side, continue straight underneath a bridge. Then take a right turn (direction: Mišače) through a narrow street and cross the river Sava by a bridge on your left side. After crossing the bridge, you will see the signboard of ECO River Camp, which leads you right into the forest path. You’ve arrived at ECO River Camp. For additional instructions or guidance you can call us at +386 40 943 046.
By car (direction from Ljubljana / airport / seaside to Austria):
-Take the highway A2 (Ljubljana – Jesenice) and leave the highway at the exit Radovljica, and follow the sign for Radovljica. Then, at the crossover take a left turn and continue straight for cca 2 kilometers until another crossover and take a right turn at the semaphore (direction: Mošnje, Grad Podvin). Continue strictly straight through the village Mošnje and after leaving the village you will go underneath the highway and you should continue straight for about 500 meters. Soon you will start descending through the woods and reach the village Globoko, pass the farm on the right side, continue straight underneath a bridge. Then take a right turn (direction: Mišače) through a narrow street and cross the river Sava by a bridge on your left side. After crossing the bridge, you will see the signboard of ECO River Camp, which leads you right into the forest path. You’ve arrived at ECO River Camp. For additional instructions or guidance you can call us at +386 40 943 046.
+386 40 943 046
Globoko, 4240 Radovljica